How To Introduce An Evidence-Based Successful Nutrition Counseling / Weight Loss Program To Your Practice

Lifestyle Nutrition is evaluating strategic practices to become a clinical reference site.

  • Doctor, whether your recommending meds, diet products, supplements for clinical issues or weight loss/gain or your patients lifestyle is the most important factor. In the past addressing these concerns have been time consuming. RESPOND TO YOUR PATIENTS’ NEEDS, REDUCE RISK FOR RELAPSE ESPECIALLY WITH GLP-1 PATIENTS.
  • Complete questionnaire to evaluate the the Lifestyle Nutrition Metabolic Counseling Program for your clinical philosophy and patient demographic.
  • Evidence - based, peer reviewed Lifestyle Nutrition Counseling Program utilizes a metabolic analyzer and nutrition management software.
  • Provide patients with custom clinical meal plans, exercise programs and weight loss recommendations incorporating healthy supermarket food.
  • Solo practices can net $20-30 K monthly without selling diet products, meds or hormones.
  • We have trained over 900 doctors nationwide & counseled patients thousands of patients privately in our offices.
  • Gain peer & community respect for introducing a Lifestyle Nutrition Counseling

Insurance and Medicare reimbursement may be available for patients.

Complete Questionnaire
Nutrition Counseling
Step 1 of 4 Request Info
Step 2 of 4 Meal Plan
Step 3 of 4 Activity
Step 4 of 4 Submit

Request More Info

Custom Meal Plan

The Lifestyle Metabolic Analyzer Accurately Provides Metabolic and Body Composition Data. Please estimate your body fat for demonstration purposes. Healthy range Males 11 - 15% Body Fat; Females 16 - 24% Body Fat.

What size are your meals and snacks?

Activity & Meal Plan Preferences

Most doctors use the default meal plan.based on your metabolism, lean mass, age, sex, ht, wt & activity level or you can specify what type.

Review & Submit

Body Fat Measured by Scales or Hand Held Devices are Not Accurate but we can use this body fat reading for demonstration purposes.

I am primarily interested in (Please check at least 1).

By submitting, you agree to the terms of this site.

Give Your Patients A New Lifestyle… Not Just Another Diet!!! ®

Lifestyle Nutrition Metabolic Analyzer
Lifestyle Nutrition Metabolic Analyzer Lifestyle Nutrition Metabolic Analyzer


Lifestyle Nutrition Medical Weight Loss Programs generate an additional $100–300K annually without selling products and while improving your patients' health. Typically, one patient per month can cover all costs of the program. A typical start-up doctor practice can anticipate an ROI of 2,000%, and mid-size practices can experience ROIs of 3,000–6,000%, including new patient referrals.We will review your options for becoming a Clinical Reference Site

Will This Program Fit My Practice Philosophy and Patient Demographic?

Ideally, the best way to clinically and economically evaluate our program is to complete the meal plan questionnaire and schedule a private, interactive webinar for doctors and any staff members, with our licensed nutritionists. We will review your options for becoming a Clinical Reference Site, enabling you to effectively evaluate our program for your philosophy and patient demographic.

No Selling of Diet Products

Focus with Lifestyle Management incorporating healthy supermarket foods.

Re-Think Your Philosophy

If you are convinced that patient compliance is poor using generic diet sheet handouts and you would prefer to provide individualized clinical meal plans, then complete your questionnaire and view our videos.

Whether your focus is with medications, hormones or diet products, Lifestyle Nutrition Metabolic Program adds credibility and improves long-term compliance. Many of our seasoned progressive doctors rely exclusively on our Lifestyle Program rather than medications, hormones, and diet products.

No Selling of Diet Products

Lifestyle Programs Are Less Costly to Patients, More Profitable to Owners, and Market Credibly To Peers and Community.

Complete Questionnaire
Watch Our 3 Min Explainer Video!

Our Evidence Based Programs Are Based on the Feedback from 100’s of Doctors Nationwide And Counseling 1,000’s of Patients Privately in Our Offices

University Research & Validation

University of Southern California, Published American Journal of Clinical Nutrition & Many Peer Reviewed Journals, Consensus Findings by National Institute of Health Confirming Accuracy and FDA Registered.

Revenue Opportunities

Provides Significant Cash, Insurance & Medicare Revenues Into Practice With Existing & New Patients With Specific Diagnosis.

Customizable Meal Plans

Provide Custom Clinical Meal Plans Based on Lifestyle and Food Preferences for Cardiac, Diabetic, GLP-1 Weight Loss, Paleo, IBS, Mediterranean, Vegetarian, and more.

Accurate Metabolic & Body Composition

Evaluates Body Fat, Lean Body Mass, Water, Goal Weight, and BMR. Provides Custom Meal Plans or Weight Loss, Gain, and Maintenance.

Accessible & Flexible Programs

Gain Peer & Community Respect Program Focuses Healthy Supermarket Food, No Selling of Diet Products. Programs Are Less Costly to Patients, More Profitable to Owners and Market Credibly